Saturday, February 4, 2012

Blogs you should follow now!!

Lance Perry (no relation)
Lance is a CSCS and works out of D1 Sports training in Columbus Ohio (
Lance is the man with the stregnth training plan, check is blog for some awesome workouts to break up the monotony of your current routine.

Enrique Nunez
Enrique is an excellant boxing and mma coach with a wealth of knowledge in training camp planning and periodization for mma, always an entertaining and informative blog!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back To The Basics: Carebear 101

Hey Carebear fans just wanted to give you a quick update of whats been going on since my last fight. This is a re-post of my fb blog going to start doing them on here because it is a lot easier to edit.

After my 15 minute war with Bobby, my body was fried I was pretty sore for a couple weeks after and although much of this was due to the fight it also was an accumulation of 5 months of hard training and fighting 3 times since October. Over that time my elbows took the blunt of the force from bjj to sparring and endless pad work. That and the constant weight cutting and dehydration cycles I was doing was really taking a toll on my body.

I was also having some personal struggles which i won't get into but it was weighing on me mentally as well.

So the end result was to take a few months off from the hard training, rehab my elbows and get healthy again. I hate doing this because I love working out and learning and growing as a martial artist but I knew it must be done for the better good. Having a damaged body and only being able to train at 50-60% was just not cutting it, I knew that I could train and beat some people at that level but thats not what I want. I don't want to beat the people I'm supposed to beat, I want the most competitive fight without being in over my head. I won't be the tough guy to say i would fight Jose Aldo in my next fight, that would be disrespecting Jose and all the years of training and fighting the toughest guys out there to be the best. I would love to fight him later on when I have done what I need to, to be at that level which is fighting harder and harder opponents and moving up the ladder.

Another goal I have for returning to training is to do it with a better machine, a well nurished body free of processed foods and meats injected with steroids and antibiotics and a slew of other un-natural substances that is in our foods now a days. I plan to stick to a semi-vegan diet, excluding all red meats, majority of dairy and animal by-products. I will allow myself natural chicken breast and fish fillets once a week, and try my best to only supplement with whey protein when I have to. I don't do well when I ingest a lot of dairy products i feel very congested and clogged up. I also have really bad acid reflux and indigestion I feel this is also due to processed foods and dairy as I have noticied when I have unrestricted my diet.

So I'm going to try to video blog my journey starting after i get over this sickness(another thing this unristricted diet has done to me) Within the next week I should be back to the basics; clean diet, clean living, and basic strength training to rebuild my foundation before my next training camp. With a possible return date in May.

Stay tuned for future blogs.

Be sure to follow me on twitter @MatthewPerryMMA
